herbicide resistance gene flow

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herbicide resistance gene flow
Glyphosate drift promotes changes in fitness and transgene gene.
Jun 28, 2002. Therefore, quantifying pollen-mediated gene flow is vital for. canola crops to nearby crops not containing herbicide resistance genes.
Gene flow among herbicide-resistant (HR) canola varieties can lead to the development of multiple HR canola plants, creating volunteer canola management.
Aug 1, 2008. designed experiments to study pollen-mediated gene flow from herbicide- resistant transgenic oilseed rape to Chinese commercial varieties.
Gene flow from a large scale release of genetically modified herbicide. first year of the project, outcrossing of the herbicide tolerance gene from a large scale.
in mid-South rice production systems, but the role of pollen-mediated gene flow in the spread of herbicide resistance is poorly understood for this species.
herbicide resistance ;; Brassica napus ;; gene flow ;; gene expression ;; gene stacking ;; volunteer control. antje.dietz@jki.bund.de. How to Cite This Article; Link.
Pollen-mediated gene flow in Chinese commercial fields of.
herbicide resistance gene flow
Full Text (HTML) - Annals of Botany - Oxford Journals.Gene flow from a large scale release of genetically modified.

This fear is especially troublesome with herbicide resistance genes as the. that under field conditions, intergeneric gene flow can occur between oilseed rape.
Cambridge Journals Online - Environmental Biosafety Research.
Pollen-Mediated Movement of Herbicide Resistance. - Science.