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scandinavian Baby Names – scandinavian Names - The Bump.
Nils: Meaning, Popularity, Origin of Baby Name Nils | Boys | The.
In 2005, a brilliantly talented young actor named Norbert Leo Butz won the Tony award for Best Actor in a musical. And the first thing everyone in the audience.
Gustavo 'Staff of the gods' (Italian/Spanish, Scandinavian) - Boys.
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Axel: Meaning, Popularity, Origin of Baby Name Axel | Boys | The.Kason 'Pure' (Scandinavian) - Boys Baby Names -
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Ivor 'Form of Ivo (yew wood)' (Scandinavian) - Boys Baby Names.Search through our unique collection of member submitted Boy baby names. Save your baby names, vote for favorites, or submit a Boy baby name.
Modern Hindu Baby Boys Names - Modern Indian Baby Names.
Find the perfect baby name. more >> · Baby. Take a baby name for a test drive! First Name:. Gustavo. Italian/Spanish, Scandinavian, "Staff of the gods".
Advertisement. JustMommies / Baby Names / Boy Names. 32, Ingmar, boy, famous son, Scandinavian, 0, Log In to Vote. 33, Ingo, boy, male leader.
Norbert 'Brilliant hero' (Scandinavian) - Boys Baby Names.